One World Education teach PSHE at the start of year 1. We teach students in the following:
1. Being me
2. Celebrating differences
3. Dreams and goals
4. Healthy me
5. Relationships
6. Changing me
With each school year the aims and content change, however the titles still remain.
Over the course of two years, year 7 and year 8 learn the following units:
1. Personal Action Planning
2. Drugs Education
3. Sex and Relationships Education (Parents can opt out of this for their child by emailing the head teacher (please refer to our SRE policy for further details).
4. Personal Finance
5. Emotional Wellbeing
6. Healthy Wellbeing
7. Making informed career decisions
8. Personal Safety
9. Diversity, prejudice and discrimination
At One World Education we know how important it is in year 11 to decide the next steps for your child’s future. This is why we concentrate on the following topics in year 11:
1. Making Informed Career Choices
2. Personal Statements
3. Applying for jobs and courses
4. Being a critical consumer
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